Healthy Eating
At Egerton Nursery and Out of School Club, Bolton we believe that mealtimes should be happy, social occasions for children and staff alike.
Here at Egerton, we understand the importance for all children to have a healthy balanced diet. Children who eat a healthy diet are not usually ill as often, have more energy and a more developed concentration span.
Allergies and special requirements
We ensure all our meals and snacks are nutritious and balanced; we will always meet every child’s individual needs. Where appropriate, we will carry out a risk assessment in the case of allergies so please talk to us about your child’s dietary requirements or any other special health requirements before a child starts or joins the setting.
Our Nutrition and Mealtimes Policy
At Egerton Nursery and Out of School Club:
We are a Nut free setting.
We are part of the Healthy Schools programme.
Menus include at least 3 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables per day.
Fresh drinking water is always available and accessible.
We can provide breakfast, morning snack, dinner, afternoon snack and a high tea.
Member of the Greater Manchester Toothbrushing Programme.
Our mealtimes are always social occasions in which children and staff participate in small groups. During meals and snack times children are encouraged to use their manners and say 'please' and 'thank you' and conversation is encouraged. All staff set a good example and show good table manners.
If you child has specific dietary needs? Just give us a call on the number below and let us know what they are as we can accommodate them.